04146- 232131

B.E - Electronics and Communication Engineering / Intake 60/ Starting Year 2008/ Duration 4 Years


Electronics and Communication is a field rich in analysis and design. The ECE degree prepares an individual for a wide range of interesting positions wherever information is captured, processed, stored, displayed and applied with the rapid growth in the communication industry and the ever increasing trends in the field of communication, the programme prepares students for challenging careers in areas such as design support ,development & production.


To produce disciplined, knowledgeable and well equipped Engineers to architect the future world of Electronics and Communication.


M1: To achieve global eminence in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering.

M2: To nurture students in a multidisciplinary approach, relating engineering issues to the broader social context.

M3: To provide essential knowledge & skill to the students and enhance their employable potential and entrepreneurial capabilities.

Program Outcomes (POs):

PO 1: Engineering Knowledge: To expertise the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and to specialize themselves for the solution of complex engineering problems.

PO 2: Problem Analysis: An ability to analyze, identify and formulate software and hardware problems to give appropriate solution using basic principles of mathematics, natural science and computer science.

PO 3: Design / Development of Solutions: Capability to design a system, component, or process to attain economic growth, environmental safety, social welfare and public wellbeing.

PO 4: Conduct Investigations of Complex problems: To build in research based knowledge which helps in providing valid conclusions.

PO 5: Modern Tool Usage: An ability to use the techniques, resources and recent IT tools necessary for computer engineering practices with proper understanding of their limitations.

PO 6: The Engineer and Society: To educate the impact of engineering solutions and to bring awareness about consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional practice.

PO 7: Environment and Sustainability: An ability to demonstrate the recent societal and environmental solutions which helps in gaining sustainable growth.

PO 8: Ethics: To understand the professional and ethical responsibility.

PO 9: Individual and Team Work: To play effective role as an individual, a leader and member in multidisciplinary team.

PO 10: Communication: An ability to communicate effectively in complex situations and able to comprehend, design documents and to give and receive clear instructions.

PO 11: Project Management and Finance: To understand the engineering and management principles and to apply those in project in different environments.

PO 12: Life-Long Learning: To engage in independent and life-long learning with wide scope of technological changes.

Program Educational Outcomes (PEOs) of the Department:

To produce electronics and communication engineers by the department with the following objectives,

PEO 1: Apply their Technical skills in software and Hardware domains to solve complex electronics and communication engineering problems.

PEO 2: To use their skills in ethical and professional manner to raise the satisfaction level of the stakeholders.

PEO 3: To promote student awareness on the life-long learning in accordance with technological advancement.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) of the Department:

The Program specific objectives of the Electronics and communication Engineering Program are the following

PSO 1: To train the students to be an engineer in advanced communication systems.

PSO 2: To encourage the students to solve core engineering problems using latest technological advancements.



  • Digital Signal Processing Lab
  • Communication Lab
  • Digital Electronics Lab
  • Electronics Lab
  • Microprocessor Lab
  • Microwave and Optical Communication Lab
  • VLSI Lab
  • Linear Integrated Circuits Lab
  • Engineering Practice Lab